Bulletin Board: Vic Chesnutt Uke Quotes Close Window   

Original Post By: Guest_Claude Neuman Date: 9/5/2004
Here's songwriter Vic Chesnutt's quote about his musical beginnings on the uke; "I got a ukulele first, when I was about 14 and my aunt who was about 90 years old at the time gave me a ukulele book. It was a left over book from when ukuleles were the "shit" in 1920. It had all those pop songs from the late 1900s. So I learnt all these songs and then I wrote a few of my own. But I've been writing songs ever since I can remember.
One of his CDs shows him as a boy, holding a small plastic uke, but i don't know which one.
for more go to: http://membres.lycos.fr/ vchesnutt/heavenup.html
Posted By: Guest_Lind (like in wind) Date: 9/7/2004
OK all you uke players, how many of you are would be song writers? Come on now, fess up. It would be interesting to know how many of our brothers and sisters have tried their hand an composing. I will be the first to confess. I have been writing stuff for years. I find myself more suited to writing lyrics than music. I just finished another epic song. The inspiration came from "Pete" on this board awhile back. He chalenged the BB members to write a song about that oft requested number,"Play something that we know." Now I have something to offer when requested to "Play something that we know". Perhaps we might share some of our stuff. Thoughts?
Posted By: Guest_Irving Berlin Date: 9/7/2004
At the moment I am de-composing.

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