Bulletin Board: THE UKULELE C-A-G-F-D SYSTEM Close Window   

Original Post By: J Boy Shyne Date: 10/13/2010 6:14:39 PM   (Updated: 10/13/2010 6:22:22 PM)
A method of understanding how to play chords (or scales) in different positions up and down the neck of the ukulele, is called the "CAGFD" system. It comes from the guitar "C-A-G-E-D System" "CAGED" is easy to remember. Please note that some folks find this method confusing, or even silly.

Anyway, here's how it works with major chords.


Starting with a C chord in C6 tuning (GCEA)

First position C is 0003 which is "C" shape
Second position C is 5433 which is "A" shape (also "Bb" shape)
Third position C is 5787 which is "G" shape
Fourth position C is 9787 which is "F" shape
Fifth position C is 12, 12, 12, 10 which is "D" shape; and returning to
12,12,12,15 which again is "C" shape (first position) an octave above the first 1st position.

Since A comes after C in the ukulele CAGFD system ----

First position A is 2100 which is "A" shape
Second position A is 2454 which is "G" shape
Third position A is 6454 which is "F" shape
Fourth position A is 9997 which is "D" shape
Fifth position A is 999,12 which is "C" shape; and returning to
14,13,12,12 which again is "A" shape (first position) an octave above the first 1st position.

G is next

First position G is 0232 which is "G" shape
Second position G is 4232 which is "F" shape
Third position G is 7775 which is "D" shape
Fourth position G is 777,10 which is "C" shape;
Fifth postion G is 12,11,10, 10 which is "A" shape; and returning to
12,14,15,14 which again is "G" shape (first position) an octave above the first 1st position.

F is next

First position F is 2010 which is "F" shape
Second position F is 5553 which is "D" shape
Third position F is 5558 which is "C" shape;
Fourth postion F is 10,9,8,8 which is "A" shape;
Fifth position F is 10,12,13,12 which is "G" shape; and returning to
14,12,13,12 which again is "F" shape (first position) an octave above the first 1st position.

And finally D

First position D is 2220 which is "D" shape
Second position D is 2225 which is "C" shape;
Third postion D is 7655 which is "A" shape;
Fourth position D is 7,9,10,9 which is "G" shape;
Fifth position D is 11,9,10,9 which is "F" shape; and returning to
14,14,14,12 which again is "D" shape (first position) an octave above the first 1st position.

For folks who tune D6 (ADF#B), the system would be called "B-A-G-E-D"

More details on scales and chords for CAGFD and BAGED can be found at-
http://www.ukulelecosmos.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=9343 You may have to register to see more.
Posted By: Christie Date: 10/15/2010 3:19:12 AM
Thanks, J B Shyne! I remember seeing that sticky over on the board at Cosmos. I briefly reviewed it way back and remember thinking it was the most consistent presentation of movable forms I had encountered. I am now ready for the stuff beyond majors--so thanks for the reminder.
Posted By: J Boy Shyne Date: 10/15/2010 10:22:50 AM   (Updated: 10/15/2010 10:23:36 AM)
Cool. Do check out the videos in the thread that explain how to do movebale chord shapes (aka barre chords).
Posted By: J Boy Shyne Date: 6/18/2011 8:00:13 AM
Bosko, of Bosko and Honey, has a video, charts and explanations on CAGFD for uke.
See- http://www.ukulele.spots.com.au/index.php?pid=11366

Posted By: PHMike Date: 6/19/2011 12:09:56 AM
I like the method but JBoy and B&H cause some confusion when one says a C shape is 0003 and the other says a C shape is 3000. Same applies to their other chords - 3345 vs. 5433, etc.
Posted By: J Boy Shyne Date: 6/19/2011 7:38:56 PM   (Updated: 6/19/2011 7:47:03 PM)
Mike, Bosko is from down under so he does everything upside down.
If you tune C6 (gCEA), then I'm right,
If you tune C6 (AECg) then Bosko is right.

Bosko is like Yoda in that his uke goes "Fleas Has Dog My"
Posted By: Neal Date: 6/19/2011 8:37:38 PM
Bosko does things right. That's not to mean that Mr. Shyne's is incorrect. It is not. In tab, we tend to use nose to toes. In real music notation, we tend to use toes to nose.

In other words, the first string is always A. Odd, that it's at the bottom. But in a lot of western musical tab type notation, the one closest to your nose is the first string, thus J Boy Shyne is right on the money.

And for what it's worth, J Boy's is the correct way to explain it to the masses.
Posted By: PHMike Date: 6/20/2011 12:26:40 AM
I was just pointing out that JBoy's post describes it the way I learned it and the site he links to uses "backwards" chords. I sent JBoy's B&H link to a friend and it took several confusing emails with my friend until I noticed the oddity.
At least it's not as a big of a mess as harmonica tab/notation ;-) Those harp folks could really use some kinda standardization.
Posted By: J Boy Shyne Date: 6/20/2011 9:50:08 AM   (Updated: 6/20/2011 10:21:15 AM)
While I say GCEA, I know that
A is the first string and
E is the 2nd string and
C is the 3rd string and
G is the 4th string.

I think that Neal is correct in that when dealing with the masses most folks speak and write in terms of GCEA as opposed to AECG.
Posted By: Mitch Chang Date: 6/20/2011 10:58:44 AM
Once you've conquered this concept for the major chords, apply the same idea to E7, A7, Am, Dm, C7, etc
Posted By: PHMike Date: 6/20/2011 11:20:05 AM
The tuning on all of the stringed instruments I try to play are usually written 'nose to toes' - - -
guitar EADGBE (strings 6 thru 1)
ukulele GCEA (4 thru 1)
bass EADG (4 thru 1)
- - - so it only seems natural and correct to write chords the same way - uke GCEA C chord is 0003.
I never noticed it before but down-under do they write guitar tuning as EBGDAE instead of EADGBE?
Posted By: J Boy Shyne Date: 6/20/2011 1:54:27 PM   (Updated: 6/20/2011 2:13:41 PM)
Mike, some uke string manufacturers list their strings as AECG others as GCEA. Some guitarists and guitar string manufacturers address tunings from high to low as opposed to low to high.

I play many fretted instruments. When I discuss tunings or shapes I do it from low to high. Some folks do it from high to low. That's just how the world is.

Mitch, I provide info on various chords and scales on the Ukulele Cosmos at
http://www.ukulelecosmos.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=9343 However, I believe that you may have to register to see the thread.

Please note that E7 is not a CAGFD shape. F7 is, but not E7. All chords can be formed in the CAGFD system (i.e. F# G# E B, etc), but the system involves the shapes CAGFD and always in that order or in AGFDC order or GFDCA order or FDCAG order or DCAGF order. Notice we go back to CAGFD order. Again, it comes from CAGED in guitar which is an easy word to remember. So on uke, remember CAGED just switch the E to F.

Bosko's site provides info on major, minor and dom7 chords. But I do not believe that he addresses scales. With regard to CAGFD, in my humble opinon, scales and chords are equally important.

CAGFD is a system of understanding the entire fret board. If you find it confusing or silly, then CAGFD may not be for you and it is probably best not to spend too much time trying to understand it.

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