Original Post By:
Guest_George Harper
Date: 11/30/2004 |
I can't put my new uke down. But
while noodling around, I fell on
this fun start to Jingle Bells --
0077 (for jingle bells, jingle
bells) The other chords are 0-0-10-
10, 0033, 0055, 0077. This is
super simple and I'm sure it's not
original, but I'm having a fun
time messing with it! Anybody else
got some more chords? |
Posted By:
Date: 11/30/2004 |
How 'bout: (to the tune of Jingle
0077 0077 0077
0077 0077 0077
0077 0-0-10-10 0043 0045 0077
0088 0088 0088
0088 0088 0077 0077
0077 0077 0055 0055 0077 0055
0077 0077 0077
0077 0077 0077
0077 0-0-10-10 0043 0045 0077
0088 0088 0088
0088 0088 0077 0077
0077 0077 001010 001010 0088 0045
Posted By:
Date: 11/30/2004 |
btw, 001010 is 0-0-10-10.. too fast on
the Send button :(
Posted By:
Guest_George Harper
Date: 11/30/2004 |
Alan - Love the 0043 and 0045!
For "Oh what" I like 7988
resolving into 7888 for "fun"
better. Speaking of that, this IS
fun, isn't it?
Posted By:
Date: 11/30/2004 |
More notes to fret but how bout
this for the first part of the
7787 7787 7787
7787 7787 7787
7787 9101010 5433 5435 5767
5558 5558 5558
5558 5558 5767 5767
5657 5655 5655 5657 5655 77710
These are some of the chord
voicings I used on my mp3 of
Jingle Bells
Posted By:
Date: 11/30/2004 |
Whoops! I forgot a chord in the
last line. Should look like
5657 5655 5655 5657 4535 77710
Posted By:
Date: 11/30/2004 |
George, the 7988 into the 7888 is a
great sound! Dom, love your changes
too. What about 5558 5558 resolving to
5888 similar to what George did on the
"Oh what fun..." line? This IS fun!
Posted By:
Date: 11/30/2004 |
Dom,I'm with it till the 77710 LOL!
Posted By:
Date: 11/30/2004 |
Grunch, assuming it is because of
stretching the pinky and not the
sound you can use a G7 instead =
The G7 is probably more
appropriate but the straight G
major works best in my hopped up
Posted By:
Guest_George Harper
Date: 12/1/2004 |
Dom - I really like your MP3
version so I'm going to play it
your way the second time through!
And here's how I'm gonna start the
verse part ... 000x 021x 032x 043x
7777 5555 0003 043x. The last
five chords give you "Dash-ing
thru the snow." Dom, thanks for
all your help with my travels. I
love your island!
Posted By:
Date: 12/1/2004 |
Glad you had a good time George.
I can't wait.........just three
more weeks and I will be there
myself. My my my.....mai tai that
is (LOL)
Posted By:
Date: 12/2/2004 |
...This is very cool. Anybody
else note the "lilt" in
Dominator's "ambulation"? White
sandy beaches the reason? Ah,
what a place Hawaii 'tis.