Ukulele music lovers love Flea Market Music, offering an online community for ukulele players, informative books on the ukulele, ukulele CDs,songbooks, videos and information on our instrument manufacturing of the FLUKE ukulele. Brought to you by " Jumpin" Jim Beloff.

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Flea Market Music offers an on-line community for ukulele players, informative books on the ukulele, ukulele CDs,songbooks, videos and information on our instrument manufacturing of the FLUKE ukulele. Brought to you by "Jumpin" Jim Beloff.
Roy Smeck Concert Ukulele

Original Post By: electrickiss Date: 10/14/2023 2:59:52 PM   (Updated: 10/14/2023 3:01:46 PM)
Hello I am pretty new to the world of the uke and music in general.

I'm wondering how folks here improve their ears (relative pitch, chord progression recognition, recognizing sharp/flat, etc). If you could point me to any of your favorite exercises or resources I would appreciate it.

So far I have just been using this web app for ear training called ToneScholar https://tonescholar.com and it seems quite good, but is not specific to classical guitar. it�s intuitive and it�s really helped me improve my relative pitch, but it�s not quite what I�m looking for. In fact it's all voice-based, so probably better for singers. Not looking for other apps and stuff, just want to know what tips or tricks you have in bettering you ear.

I'd love to be able to improve my ear while improving my skills on the guitar simultaneously. I only have so much time to practice ;)

Thanks in advance!

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Flea Market Music offers an on-line community for ukulele players, informative books on the ukulele, ukulele CDs,songbooks, videos and information on our instrument manufacturing of the FLUKE ukulele. Brought to you by "Jumpin" Jim Beloff. -