Ukulele music lovers love Flea Market Music, offering an online community for ukulele players, informative books on the ukulele, ukulele CDs,songbooks, videos and information on our instrument manufacturing of the FLUKE ukulele. Brought to you by " Jumpin" Jim Beloff.

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#welcome to flea market music's player and group directory

You are currently viewing the Player Profile of Nikko.  This information has been provided and is displayed for the uke-related purposes only.  Any misuse of Player Directory information is strictly prohibited. Return to the main Player Directory to view additional entries.

Player Profile

Screen Name:   Nikko
City:   Stevenson Ranch
State:   California
Country:   United States
Postal Code:   91381
Brief:   Hello Friends. I happened across the ukulele picking up a birthday gift for my 6 year old daughter in early 2007. I now own 4 ukes and work hard every day to keep it at 4. As I'm nearing my 40th year on the planet and felt I would live my life with no musical ability. Somehow the sweet sound of the ukulele awoke an ever dormant part of my brain, and now my life is full of music. I play at work, at home, in the car (LA traffic) and anywhere else I can bring my 4 stringed friend. My ukes in order of purchase are: 1.) Applause UA20 Soprano - very nice player uke for the money. It's just missing the woody tone and lovely plunkiness I've found in other ukes. 2.) Natural Concert Flea M40 - Fun! Great sound. Goes everywhere, even by the pool without worries. 3.) Kamaka Soprano 1980's - This is my favorite. I got lucky on E-Bay. It just sings to me and warms my heart. 4.) Kiwaya KTC-2 Concert - A beautiful instrument to see, touch and hear. Took a chance on something new that came highly recommended, and I'm glad I did. Thanks to all of you out there who are my teachers and mentors and don't even know it. Cheers, Nikko

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Flea Market Music offers an on-line community for ukulele players, informative books on the ukulele, ukulele CDs,songbooks, videos and information on our instrument manufacturing of the FLUKE ukulele. Brought to you by "Jumpin" Jim Beloff. -