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You are currently viewing the Player Profile of Ukulele Shoni.  This information has been provided and is displayed for the uke-related purposes only.  Any misuse of Player Directory information is strictly prohibited. Return to the main Player Directory to view additional entries.

Player Profile

Name:   John Bird
Screen Name:   Ukulele Shoni
City:   Iqaluit
Province:   Nunavut
Country:   Canada
Postal Code:   X0A 0H0
Email: johnbird@sympatico.ca
Brief:   I've been playing uke only since 2003 (and nothing much else before that)--and I love it--but of course I've developed UAS. I now mostly play my Johnson resonator concert and Lanikai tenor (mainly because of the scale and the pickup), and my latest acquisition, a Gold Tone Plucky five-string travel banjo. Don't worry, I turned it into a tenor-scale banjo-uke by removing the fifth string, and replacing the steel strings with nylon. And I put a cookie-tin lid on the back as a resonator. She sings now. Affordable and playable. <br><br> I also have a 1927 Johnny Marvin tenor with airplane bridge, 1920s John Grey & sons banjo-uke, 1930s Clarion (Gretsch) soprano, 1920s no-name banjo-uke, and a Degas bari. But they're all down south, temporarily distributed among various friends and family. Still messing around with clawhammer and fingerpicking, but since moving to Iqaluit I have been playing rhythm uke (the tenor) with the Road to Nowhere Band. Great fun, although I miss SwingBridge. I'm also having lots of fun accompanying old-time fiddlers, who are thick on the ground up here. The banjo-uke seems best for that; volume, don't you know. I like all kinds of old time swing, blues, cajun and Canadian fiddle music. My wife, Lorraine (accordion,melodica), and I, along with a local guitarist and fiddler, are working towards a French Cafe style band to play at the local Francophone Association. Swing-Musette. <br><br> Oh yeah, and I also played ukulele in the pit orchestra for a joint community-high school production of Fiddler On The Roof. That might be a ukulele first? To read about or order my beautiful coffee-table book, The Spirituality of Music, go to the publisher's website [www.woodlakebooks.com] and scroll down to the link. Or find my blog at: http://spiritualityofmusic.blogspot.com/ Any other ukers in the vicinity?

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Flea Market Music offers an on-line community for ukulele players, informative books on the ukulele, ukulele CDs,songbooks, videos and information on our instrument manufacturing of the FLUKE ukulele. Brought to you by "Jumpin" Jim Beloff. -