Ukulele music lovers love Flea Market Music, offering an online community for ukulele players, informative books on the ukulele, ukulele CDs,songbooks, videos and information on our instrument manufacturing of the FLUKE ukulele. Brought to you by " Jumpin" Jim Beloff.

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#welcome to flea market music's player and group directory

You are currently viewing the Player Profile of HonuPicks.  This information has been provided and is displayed for the uke-related purposes only.  Any misuse of Player Directory information is strictly prohibited. Return to the main Player Directory to view additional entries.

Player Profile

Screen Name:   HonuPicks
City:   Simi Valley
State:   California
Country:   United States
Postal Code:   93065
Email: support@honupicks.com
Brief:   HonuPicks are the only hand made, patent pending, PREMIER LEATHER PICKS that produce sound just like playing ukulele with your finger! All other picks are flat, make distracting "pick slap" noise when strumming, and cause fatigue on the thumb and forefinger. The other leather picks wear out quickly, get floppy, and lose volume. HonuPicks never get floppy or lose volume! Three dimensional and ergonomically designed, HonuPicks are finger smooth and the most comfortable for those that enjoy ukulele with a pick! You can use the reverse end similar to a firm traditional pick, too! Really making playing easier for those with long fingernails or arthritis, HonuPicks are ergonomically designed to significantly reduce thumb and finger fatigue. They are held lightly between your thumb and the side of your second finger with your forefinger resting on top, so you don't have to grip hard to play. You hold it as an extension of your finger so it "pushes" the strings while strumming just like the finger, eliminating "pick slap". It is designed in the profile of the Honu, the Hawaiian Sea Turtle, and is honored with it's name! HonuPicks are the ONLY INTERACTIVE PICK that can be shaped and softened for smoother tones or hardened for crisper tones...but never gets too soft to use, or lose volume like flat leather picks, because it is three dimensional! No pick compares to HonuPicks pure tones, as demonstrated and enthusiastically received at the NAMM SHOW, Anaheim, CA-January 2013.

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Flea Market Music offers an on-line community for ukulele players, informative books on the ukulele, ukulele CDs,songbooks, videos and information on our instrument manufacturing of the FLUKE ukulele. Brought to you by "Jumpin" Jim Beloff. -