
Below is a list of links to other sites relating to
These sites have been added by other ukulele players and enthusiasts. To add a link, click here.
How to Transpose Ukulele Chords
- A guide that assumes you know nothing about music theory.
How to Play Ukulele Chord Melody
- A Guide That Uses Basic Songs
Ukulele Expressions - Illustrated Ukulele Fingerstyle Etudes for the Picking Hand
- This is a book of instrumental songs for just one hand. Explore standard and alternate tuning, use a capo, and increase your fingerpicking skills and speed (using just one hand!) Expressive ink paintings are included for a full nature-themed experience.
Ukalaliens at Quality Folk
- Ukalaliens Songbook & CD: A Beginner’s Guide to Uke Fun with Kate Power & Steve Einhorn
Neck Anywhere, Lefty!
- This course is for the person who has restrung their ukulele for Left-handed playing. Based on the concept of ’Neighborhood Familiarity’ by Washtub Jerry.
Neck Anywhere!
- An illustrated Ukulele course on how to play Rhythm Chords in any key anywhere on the neck. Based on the concept of "Neighborhood Familiarity" by Washtub Jerry. This book is now in its ninth printing.
Free Cigar Box Uke Plans at the CBG Forum
- Online forum for cigar box instrument enthusiasts. Contains historic 1931 plans for making a CIGAR BOX UKE. Free to download for members. Posts are available for anyone to read.
Duke of Uke
- Books, tuners and ukulele accessories
The Fretboard Journal
- New coffee table style magazine for uke, guitar, banjo and mandolin players. Published by the makers of the Ukulele Occasional!
CHORD GENIUS BOOKS; Northern Musician Services
- Chord Genius Books cover from beginner to advanced chords and are written in plain language for: Ukulele, Baritone, Mandolin, Octave Mandolin, Mandola, Mandocello, Bouzouki, Guitar, Tenor Guitar and Tenor Banjo. Books available in most tunings. Never say you don't know a chord again! From simple A to G#m7b5.
Centerstream & Centerbook titles
- Ukulele instruction books and Hawaiian song books
Booklines Hawaii Online
- The world's largest Hawaii-based wholesale distributor of Hawaiian products. Featuring books, music and videos.
- Andy's CD 'Ukulele Serenade' now available!
- Ukulele CD's
Wiki Waki Woo Serenaders
- Wacky Wackiki Tropical Tunes with MP3's
Uke Strummer's Chord Collection
- Provides a CD of over 2500 printable chord diagrams for both GCEA and DGBE tunings user friendly
Aloha Music Camps
- Join Hawaii's legendary Beamer Family for a week of instruction in `ukulele, slack key guitar, hula, Hawaiian language and more! More than just a workshop, the Aloha Music Camp immerses you in the true meaning of Aloha!
Tolley Town
- Tiki Tunes For Tiny Tots is the first CD by the Tolleytown Orchestra, featuring ukulele, Fluke, toy piano, harmonia, autoharp, harmonium, tenor guitar and percussion. A delightful instrumental album that's not just for kids!
Jiminy Kokopo's Ukulele Sing and Strum Fun Book
- New ukulele instruction book for kids. Original and popular songs, great diagrams, and comics.
Ian Whitcomb and Ukie
- CD's, Songbooks, Performances, etc.
LA VOLTA,a young Ensemble
- Swiss & USA-Ragtime in stringband
Backbeat Books
- Music Book Publisher
AIX Records
- Seller of audiophile DVDs/Ian Whitcomb
Edly's Music Theory for Practical People
- This book has been described as 'the world's funnest theory book.' Check it out!

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